Returns Policy

We gladly accept returns and exchanges.

To initiate a return or exchange, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Contact us within: 14 days of delivery

Ship items back to us within: 20 days of delivery

Contact us at

Upon contacting us, we will provide you with the necessary instructions and details regarding where to return the product to.

Please note that the shipping costs associated with returning the item are the customer's responsibility.

Return Eligibility

To initiate a return, please ensure that the item(s) remain(s) unused and in the original condition as received, including the original packaging.


Upon receiving and inspecting your returned item(s), we will promptly send you an email to acknowledge its receipt. Subsequently, we will inform you of the approval or rejection of your refund request.

If your request is approved, the refund will be processed and credited back to your original method of payment or credit card within 5-10 business days.

Late or Missing Refunds

If you haven't received your refund yet, we recommend checking your bank account, as refunds may sometimes appear as pending transactions.

If no pending refund is found, we advise contacting your bank directly. Occasionally, there may be a clearance period before the refund is officially processed.

If you have completed the above steps and have not received your refund, please don't hesitate to contact us at


We only facilitate exchanges for defective or damaged items. If you need to exchange your product for the same item, please reach out to us via email at

Damaged Items

Our utmost concern is to ensure you receive items in perfect condition. If your order arrives damaged, please notify us within one week of receipt at with the following information:

1. Your order number – this can be found in the shipping confirmation email you will have received.

2. Images of the damaged product(s)

3. Images of any damages on the package your product was delivered in – if applicable.


Please note that you are responsible for the shipping costs associated with returning your item. These shipping costs are non-refundable. In the event of a refund, the shipping expenses will be deducted accordingly.

Please note that the time it takes for the exchanged product to reach you may vary depending on your location.

For items valued over $75, we strongly recommend using a trackable shipping service or considering the purchase of shipping insurance. We cannot guarantee receipt of your returned item.